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Alzheimer’s Disease

Therapeutic outcomes post programmed fever

Figure 5. Therapeutic outcomes post programmed fever and delineation of Autonomic Thermodynamic Spectrum.

Figure 5A

Patient No. 1 / Female-58 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Trail making test

Before Programmed Fever


After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)


(A) Trail making test of Patient No. 1 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of executive functioning post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5B

Patient No. 1 / Female-58 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Copy cube test

Before Programmed Fever

Unequal dimension, thick lines

After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Completed: Proportional dimension, fine lines

(B) Cube drawing test of Patient No. 1 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5C

Patient No. 1 / Female-58 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Clock-Drawing Test (ten past eleven)

Before Programmed Fever

Contour, no numbers, one hand

After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Contour, number present but off center, and both hands

(C) Clock drawing test of Patient No. 1 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5D

Patient No. 2 / Male-74 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Trail making test

Before Programmed Fever


After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Completed without assistance

(D) Trail making test of Patient No. 2 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of executive functioning post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5E

Patient No. 2 / Male-74 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Copy cube test

Before Programmed Fever

Rectangle, unequal proportion (half size), no tridimensional perspective

After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Correct geometry (square), proportional dimension, tridimensional perspective

(E) Cube drawing test of Patient No. 2 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5F

Patient No. 2 / Male-74 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Clock-Drawing Test (ten past eleven)

Before Programmed Fever

Poorly contoured, incorrect numbers, missing numbers, numbers outside of clock face

After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Completed: contour, numbers present and inside clock face, both hands, correct time

(F) Clock drawing test of Patient No. 2 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5G

Patient No. 3 / Female-77 years / Middle to Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Trail making test

Before Programmed Fever

Failed (confusion)

After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Completed 3 points correctly

(G) Trail making test of Patient No. 3 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial limited restoration of executive functioning post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5H

Patient No. 3 / Female-77 years / Middle to Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Copy cube test

Before Programmed Fever

Added to existing figure rather than creating new one, repeated strokes, one side

After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Created separated figure, multifaceted, attempt to make multi-dimensional figure

(H) Cube drawing test of Patient No. 3 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial limited restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.

Figure 5I

Patient No. 3 / Female-77 years / Middle to Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease

Clock-Drawing Test (ten past eleven)

Before Programmed Fever

Dissociation of hands and clock, contour as semi-circle, gross distortion, no numbers, completely incorrect time

After Programmed Fever (HSP Induction)

Contour (circle), hands associated with clock, number present (6), figures resemble numbers in correct location, 2 hands properly positioned

(I) Clock drawing test of Patient No. 3 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial restoration of visual-spatial ability, but significant improvement compared with baseline post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.