Figure 5. Therapeutic outcomes post programmed fever and delineation of Autonomic Thermodynamic Spectrum.
Patient No. 1 / Female-58 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
(A) Trail making test of Patient No. 1 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of executive functioning post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 1 / Female-58 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Unequal dimension, thick lines
Completed: Proportional dimension, fine lines
(B) Cube drawing test of Patient No. 1 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 1 / Female-58 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Contour, no numbers, one hand
Contour, number present but off center, and both hands
(C) Clock drawing test of Patient No. 1 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 2 / Male-74 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Trail making test
Completed without assistance
(D) Trail making test of Patient No. 2 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of executive functioning post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 2 / Male-74 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Copy cube test
Rectangle, unequal proportion (half size), no tridimensional perspective
Correct geometry (square), proportional dimension, tridimensional perspective
(E) Cube drawing test of Patient No. 2 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 2 / Male-74 years / Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Clock-Drawing Test (ten past eleven)
Poorly contoured, incorrect numbers, missing numbers, numbers outside of clock face
Completed: contour, numbers present and inside clock face, both hands, correct time
(F) Clock drawing test of Patient No. 2 with Alzheimer’s disease showing restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 3 / Female-77 years / Middle to Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Trail making test
Failed (confusion)
Completed 3 points correctly
(G) Trail making test of Patient No. 3 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial limited restoration of executive functioning post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 3 / Female-77 years / Middle to Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Copy cube test
Added to existing figure rather than creating new one, repeated strokes, one side
Created separated figure, multifaceted, attempt to make multi-dimensional figure
(H) Cube drawing test of Patient No. 3 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial limited restoration of visual-spatial ability post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.
Patient No. 3 / Female-77 years / Middle to Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
Clock-Drawing Test (ten past eleven)
Dissociation of hands and clock, contour as semi-circle, gross distortion, no numbers, completely incorrect time
Contour (circle), hands associated with clock, number present (6), figures resemble numbers in correct location, 2 hands properly positioned
(I) Clock drawing test of Patient No. 3 with Alzheimer’s disease showing partial restoration of visual-spatial ability, but significant improvement compared with baseline post therapeutic programmed fever based upon identified boundaries within the autonomic thermodynamic spectrum.